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HomeCaffeineHow Much Caffeine In Pukka Matcha Green Tea

How Much Caffeine In Pukka Matcha Green Tea

Does Matcha Green Tea Contain Caffeine And If So How Much

Q & A | Matcha Benefits | How To Select The Best Matcha

Matcha has become very popular in recent years, and people who are just starting out with it often want to find out whether it contains Caffeine and how much.

To keep things short and simple, yes Matcha powder does contain Caffeine. If youre wondering exactly how much, read on.

Were going to break this article into the following sections:

What is Matcha Green Tea? What is Caffeine? How Much Caffeine does Matcha Green Tea Contain? Anything Else to Consider? Wrapping Things Up Our Final Thoughts

So, with the introductions out of the way, lets start taking a close look at what Matcha Green Tea is, and how much Caffeine it actually contains.

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How Much Caffeine In Matcha

One of the biggest myths about green tea is that its high in caffeine. According to the USDA, a standard 8 ounce serving only contains 29 mg of the stimulant . Thats actually less versus black tea, which clocks in at 47 mg . Coffee is around double that amount, with 95 mg per serving . An 8 oz. can of Red Bull has 77 mg along with other stimulants.

Among all the different teas, beverages, and foods in the USDA National Nutrient Database which contain matcha none include information as to how much caffeine they have .

When we turn to third party data, we get a wild range of numbers. Some websites report as little as 25 or as much as 80 mg per serving, so which is it?

A lot of those sites are wrong because theyre simply reciting a number from another site which has no verifiable source . Worse yet, few seem to be paying attention to serving sizes when repeating a number.

So where can we find a reliable number?

Teavana is owned by Starbucks, so presumably they have accurate information.

Well, a full review of the Teavana Imperial Matcha page and all it has is a graphic saying 40+ mg.

That could be 41 or 81 not very helpful!

The UK Daily Mail lists 34 mg per 1 gram of matcha . That would mean 61 mg of caffeine, if using a standard serving of 1.8g powder.

The problem is they dont list a source. The only links pointed to a supplement drink manufacturer and a supplier/retailer . From what we could gather, neither had verifiable data on this!

Is it bad for you?

Pooping 101

How Much Caffeine Is In Matcha Tea The Surprising Answer

Medically reviewed by Senik Matinyan, MD on January 10, 2021 – Written by the Azul Tea Editorial Team

Everybody seems to have gone bonkers on matcha tea. It is the latest addition to the menu in all cafes and eating outlets. You have probably heard of it. Especially, if you are the habitual coffee drinker, then you have at one point been persuaded to substitute your coffee drinking for it. Why? You may ask. Well, the reason is simple. Match tea, just like espresso, contains caffeine. It is, however, a healthier stimulant compared to coffee. And the question in most people’s mind is how much caffeine is in Matcha Tea? Will it provide that kick you need after a busy day?

Matcha tea is a type of Japanese green tea that is prepared by grinding tea leaves into a consumable powder form. Whenever the powder is added to boiling water, the result is a bright green frothy drink that is naturally sweet.

Matcha green tea contains a lot of caffeine since it is directly prepared from the leaves of the matcha plant. The leaves contain very high concentrations of caffeine. It contains almost double-fold of the concentration of caffeine in comparison with other types of green tea. Ordinarily, a matcha hit could provide different levels of caffeine.

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How About Green And White Tea

Both green and white teas are made from the tea plant and contain a moderate amount of caffeine. The reason why these teas usually have less caffeine than black and Pu-erh tea is mainly due to the lower brewing temperature.

Yet, some varieties of green tea are shaded for several weeks before harvest, which increases their caffeine content. If you use this type of green tea you might get a drink that has as much caffeine as black tea.

White tea caffeine content also varies greatly depending on the type of tea you buy. For example, silver needle white tea consists of young tea buds and has more caffeine than most other white teas.

Does Matcha Make You Nauseous

How Much Caffeine In Pukka Supreme Matcha Green Tea

Matcha has high levels of a group of antioxidants known as tannins. Tannins can irritate your stomach, most often in those new to matcha, who accidently drink too much on an empty stomach.

The tannins in matcha do healthy things inside the body, but they also temporarily raise the level of stomach acid, which may be an explanation for occasional nausea or queasy feelings. The tannins also are known to have an astringent effect on your stomach lining, reportedly adding to the effect.

The good news is that the higher qualities of matcha are much lower in the astringent type of tannins. They are also naturally higher in levels of calming amino-acids which will promote a restful stomach. Nonetheless, its true that everyone is different.

You might feel great from one type of matcha while a friend feels sensitive in the stomach to it. The rule of thumb here is to check on your quality, the lower-quality your matcha, the greater chance to feel nauseous.

The good news is that you can eliminate that side effect by enjoying your matcha with a non-dairy milk or light food. You may feel less of that Zen rush, but the effect will have a longer time-release when joined with food or added milk. That may be what youre going for, anyway. If so, see a couple recipes.

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What Are Matcha Tea Benefits

Matcha, like other green teas, contains a class of antioxidants called catechins. Matcha is high in a catechin called EGCG , which is believed to have cancer-fighting effects on the body. Studies have linked green tea to a variety of health benefits, like helping to prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer, and even encouraging weight loss. However, its important to note that much of this research isnt from clinical trials that show green tea causes a benefit. Instead, its largely from population-based studies, where researchers look at groups of people who drink green tea and compare their health outcomes to groups that dont drink it. Studies have shown associations between tea and better health, but causation is not yet proven. Matcha is even less studied than brewed green tea.

Still, there have been some interesting findings. A 2014 study looked at 25 randomized controlled trials on the link between tea and blood pressure and reported that when people drank teaespecially green teafor 12 weeks, their blood pressure dropped significantly. A 2011 study reported that drinking green tea appeared to be linked with lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol, but more research is needed. Because matcha is a type of green tea, they may share similar benefits, but theres not enough research to make that claim.

May Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease

Heart disease is the biggest cause of death worldwide. Many factors are known to increase heart disease risk .

Drinking green tea may help improve several of these risk factors, including total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels (

24 ).

However, keep in mind that green tea is only a very small piece of the weight loss puzzle and not all studies agree that it helps.

A recent review concluded that the weight loss effects of green tea are so small that they are not of clinical importance .

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Green Tea Contains Less Caffeine Than Other Caffeinated Beverages

Caffeine is found in a wide range of beverages like black tea, coffee, soft drinks and energy drinks.

Heres the caffeine content in 8 ounces of some popular drinks so you can compare the caffeine content (

  • Black tea: 25110 mg
  • Yerba mate: 65130 mg
  • Soft drinks: 2337 mg
  • Energy drinks: 7280 mg

As you can see, the caffeine content per 8 ounces is usually much higher for other caffeinated beverages.

Like green tea, there is a range of caffeine in these drinks. Yet black tea contains, on average, around 55 mg of caffeine per 8 ounces, while brewed coffee contains 100 mg.

Interestingly, green tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has been shown to work synergistically with caffeine. Thus, you get a milder but different kind of buzz than with coffee, despite the lower caffeine content of green tea .

In particular, the combination of L-theanine and caffeine has been shown to help improve both alertness and focus, which may make green tea a better drink than coffee if youre doing tasks that require a lot of thought .

Summary: Green tea usually contains around half the amount of caffeine as brewed coffee and less than other caffeinated beverages like black tea, soft drinks and energy drinks.

Whats The Best Matcha To Buy

Pukka Supreme Matcha Green Tea Review – Organic Whole Leaf Green & Matcha – Day 3 Christmas Calendar

This is whats used in the Starbucks latte.

Lets start this review with what to avoid! Starbucks does not sell unsweetened matcha, as the blend they use already has sugar mixed in. Worst yet, the sugar is listed first in the ingredients.

For this, they do use Tazo matcha green tea powder from Japan. But aside from in a latte, you cant buy the powder from Starbucks. Its not for retail sale and even if it was, why would you want that junk?

The origin for the green tea used in candies like Pocky matcha biscuit sticks and the Japanese Kit Kat bars is not disclosed either, but that should not be a concern for you.

Given the little powder they contain and how you eat them infrequently , where their tea comes from is irrelevant. Its the sugar and calories in those which you need to worry about!

When it comes to powders you drink, you do want to be selective since drink recipes involve concentrated amounts of powder and you may be consuming them weekly or even daily.

One of the behemoths in this industry, Celestial Seasonings, sells a liquid latte concentrate in a carton and matcha in bags. While both use Japanese powder, they are blended with regular green and the country of origin for that part is ambiguous . Whatever the case, Celestial Tea does not offer the pure powder you want.

Other big brands like Yogi, Traditional Medicinals, and Organic India Tulsi dont offer it, either. Pukka Herbs only offers a blend similar to Celestial.

Dr. Mercola Royal Matcha Nishio

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How Is It Prepared

While regular tea is made from soaked leaves, matcha is made from ground, whole leaves.

It is usually prepared in the traditional Japanese way. The tea is measured with a bamboo spoon, or shashaku, into a heated tea bowl known as a chawan.

Hot water is then added to the bowl. The tea is whisked with a special bamboo whisk, called a chasen, until it becomes smooth with froth on top.

Matcha can be prepared in several consistencies:

  • Standard. Most people mix 1 teaspoon of matcha powder with 2 ounces of hot water.
  • Usucha . This thinner version uses about half a teaspoon of matcha mixed with 34 ounces of hot water.
  • Koicha . Sometimes used in Japanese tea ceremonies, this thick version takes 2 teaspoons of matcha for 1 ounce of hot water. There is no foam, and a higher grade of matcha is required.

Remember that you dont need special equipment to make a good cup of matcha. A cup, a teaspoon, and a small whisk will do just fine.


To prepare matcha tea, mix 1 teaspoon of powder with 2 ounces of hot but not boiling water. Use a whisk to make a smooth drink with froth on top.

Does Matcha Have As Much Caffeine As Coffee

One cup of matcha tastes as strong as a bold cup of coffee. It has a rich bitterness and that refreshing taste but it doesnt have the same amount of caffeine. As mentioned before, one cup of matcha tea has around 70 mg of caffeine which is about 50% less than the caffeine content in a cup of coffee . But dont worry about your daily caffeine fix. Matcha will help you reach the same alertness. Matcha also contains the amino acid L-theanine, famous for its ability to calm and relax. Thats why matcha is considered both a relaxant and a stimulant. A perfect morning drink that not only provides you with energy but also helps prevent cancer, burn fat and lose weight.

Various studies also suggest that matcha helps with anxiety a great deal in comparison with coffee. It is a superfood that has calming effects on our brain. But thats not the best thing about Matcha. Its Matchas versatility. You can incorporate matcha easily into your everyday routine. You can have it in the form of green tea, matcha latte, matcha pancakes, or matcha cupcakes. It can also be used as a supplement in smoothies, protein shakes or energy drinks.

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How To Brew Pukka Supreme Matcha Green Tea

Brewing recommendations on the sachet indicated using boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. Crazy! The trick to brewing green tea is water at 80°C as super-hot temperatures turn it bitter.

I weighed this up with the stale aroma, then settled on 85°C for 3 minutes.

If I had more of this tea Id stick with this method as the result was smooth and gentle.

I reviewed this on an empty stomach and didnt experience any of the stomach grumbles you can get when drinking an astringent green tea without food.

A squeeze of lemon would be pleasant in this. The nice thing about simple teas like this is that they make great bases to create your own blends. Add some dried rose petals or fruit pieces to create new flavours. Peaches would go well Im addicted to peaches.

Pukka Supreme Matcha Green Tea Nutrition

How Much Caffeine In Pukka Supreme Matcha Green Tea

I quite like Pukka. Sometimes.

You must admit, their tea-naming team are a sly bunch. Pukka Supreme Matcha green tea contains 2% matcha powder because apparently Matcha is naturally bitter in flavour and 2% matcha provides just the right balance of taste.

Im calling them out on this.

If the perfect matcha flavour could be achieved with 2% matcha and 98% other green teas, no one would be drinking pure matcha teas.

Furthermore, a lot of green teas are at least slightly bitter even when brewed at low temperatures.

Ceremonial matcha, the highest grade and the only one you should drink , is naturally bitter-free, sweet, smooth and earthy.

Putting all this matcha business aside, the tea quality was ok but again a bit misleading. Pukka state that its made with whole leaf green tea. Which, technically, it is. Except those whole leaves have been chopped and crushed until theyre not whole. Its like labelling sliced ham as roasted pork leg because technically, it is. Pukka isnt incorrect in saying that the tea is made from whole green tea leaves but its not entirely correct either and it leads you to believe this tea is something its not.

In the tea industry, the wholeness of tea leaves and how finely theyre chopped isnt a superficial thing. Its a good indicator of quality. Thats why this misleading description really bugs me.

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Is Matcha Good For Detox

Its natural to look for a vibrant green color when selecting healthy, detoxifying produce. Matcha is no different, its emerald green color comes from high levels of chlorophyll, argued to support a healthy detox strategy. Shade-grown matcha comes only from Japan, and has been helping the people there live healthy, detoxified, long-lives.

This rare form of green tea is hard to come by, and the dense levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and trace minerals make it the perfect foundation of a daily detox plan. The high levels of EGCG also support elevated fat-burning.

If youre trying to cleanse yourself, it can help you reach those tougher stores of fat and support your metabolism from the inside, out. Bioavailable proteins and vitamins present in green tea also help to amplify your bodys other natural detoxification. Read our full detox report here.

What Is Matcha Tea

matcha powder

Matcha tea is a type of green tea in a powdered form. It originates from Japan, where its best known for its use in tea ceremonies.

Matcha, other green teas and regular tea are actually made from the same plant Camellia sinensis.

Most green teas are simply made by steaming fresh Camellia leaves, but making matcha tea involves a more complex process. Its made only from the fresh leaf tips.

Matcha, other green teas and regular tea are actually made from the same plant Camellia sinensis.

The plants are shaded from the sun between the time when the new leaf shoots start to appear and when they are picked. The shade is said to increase the content of chlorophyll and other nutrients, including the amino acid L-theanine .

After picking the best leaves, theyre steamed, gently air-dried, and then ground into a fine powder, removing any fibres.

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How To Store Your Tea

Yes, matcha can go bad and quite quickly. If the powder is left in an unopened container, it will oxidize. The result

  • It will taste bad, creating a bitter and less potent flavor.
  • The antioxidant content will be reduced.

The best way to store matcha is in an airtight container, preferably one which is opaque to minimize light exposure. Both air and light will degrade the phytonutrients.

Refrigeration is not required, but a lower temperature will prolong how long its good for. While the shelf life expires a year out or further, after opening and being exposed to air, it will normally go bad within 2 to 4 weeks at room temperature.


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