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How To Drink Vietnamese Coffee

What Type Of Coffee To Use For Vietnamese Coffee

How to Make Vietnamese Iced Coffee

If you prefer to make Vietnamese coffee the traditional way, look for robusta coffee beans, or maybe even try to source Vietnamese coffee beans which are available at some Vietnamese grocery stores.

Roasted Vietnamese coffee beans are typically very dark and bitter if you try to drink it black, you will know why sweetened condensed milk is added to make it more palatable.

How Vietnamese Drink Coffee

The way Vietnamese taste coffee is far different from Caucasian, They serve coffee in their own style similar to French but French often serve coffee when they start a day but local Vietnamese drink coffee any time of the day.

Local prefer coffee slow, Strong & Sweet. The way they taste coffee takes time and often serve when reading newspapers, listen to music, working or chatting with friends. Sometimes they seat by themselves and think of life, people and waiting for their coffee slowly dripping in the filter. Noise is not prefered in the local coffee culture.

What Makes Vietnamese Iced Coffee Special

As you can see, each component of traditional Vietnamese iced coffee has its own story and place in Vietnamese coffee culture. Through the flow of history, they have found each other and combined to create a unique drink that holds many meanings.

What makes Vietnamese iced coffee special

Three distinctive things that make up the true Vietnamese iced coffee: the Phin, Robusta coffee beans, and sweet condensed milk, which is optional. It is completely normal to use other types of coffee beans, other brewing methods, or other sweeteners because it helps to satisfy different needs. But such cups of coffee cannot be considered true Vietnamese iced coffee because not only has the taste changed, but now they are coffee cups made just for drinking. Today, despite the introduction of famous coffees such as Cappuccino, Latte, Americano Vietnamese iced coffee still exists and plays an important role in the experience of Vietnamese culinary culture.

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Experiment To Find The Right Grind Size

Choosing the right grind size for the phin filter is importantgrounds that are too coarse will cause the water to flow freely through and extract very little flavor, while coffee grounds that are too fine will block the filter.

The first drip should fall from your phin filter within the first 2 minutes. The last drip should fall around 5 to 6 minutes after pouring in your hot water.

Four Easy Vietnamese Coffee Recipes

Vietnamese Iced Coffee  HonestlyYUM

If youre curious as to what Vietnamese coffee is like and would like to give it a try, youre in luck. While the idea of drinking a type of coffee from the opposite side of the globe might feel exotic, thankfully the actual preparation doesnt require exotic ingredients or specialty tools.

Below youll find four delicious and traditional drinks that you can easily make at home.

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A Quick History Of Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Coffee in Vietnam began in the 18th century when both French and Dutch colonial settlers brought the coffee phenomenon along with them, starting large plantations in the process. Not only did they bring coffee, but the French also brought another element that was critical to the development of Vietnamese coffee: Sweetened condensed milk.

The colonists brought this ingredient along with them because they had trouble getting a steady supply of fresh milk in Vietnam, which was not a milk-dependent culture. It wasnt long before it was discovered that the uniquely mountainous areas of the country, along with the multiple micro-climates that they created, were ideal for growing coffee plants. From there, the entire industry was off to the races.

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However, while the French, in particular, were key players in establishing the coffee culture, the coffee industry didnt leave when the colonial power did. Instead, the Vietnamese took things into their own hands. Over time, the Vietnamese have taken these coffee roots and have expanded so successfully that, at this point, they have become one of the top coffee-producing nations in the world.

Like Turkish coffee, Vietnamese coffee has made a name for itself in the world coffee hall of fame. Theres a few reasons for this

Vietnamese Metal Coffee Filter Or Phin

The Vietnamese coffee filter gives a stronger brew than that of an American drip machine and different than that of a French press, which has a lot of factors.

But the metal coffee filter used to brew Vietnamese coffee is a large part of it what makes Vietnamese coffee unique. The filter is sometimes referred to as a Vietnamese press, or Vietnamese dripper, but its all the same item, or the same phin.

The phin , is typically made of three or four parts:

The lid This helps keep the coffee from losing heat or evaporating too much while brewing.

The body This is the main cylindrical center where the coffee grounds go. The

A filter disk This goes into the body and sits on top of the coffee. On older versions of the phin Ive seen, this can screw into a threaded shaft thats part of the body. This added another variable to adjust while brewinghow tight this was screwed on.

However on most newer types Ive seen this is a simple disk with a handle on top for removal that sits on top of the coffee grounds. This means the main way you control the speed and strength of brew is reduced to water temperature, water volume, coffee volume (and grind size if grinding your own.

The rim or lip simply the rim around the filter so you can rest it on a glass while brewing.

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How Is Vietnamese Coffee Brewed

The Vietnamese coffee was rich, flavorful, sweet and perfect on a cool day, but the method for brewing and serving the coffee is what really impressed me. The coffee was brought out with a layer of condensed milk at the bottom of a small, clear thick glass, with a stainless steel Phin Vietnamese filter sitting on top.

The coffee was already dripping into the glass and mixing in with the condensed milk. My friend, Philip ordered a Vietnamese iced coffee , so he had the same setup along with another glass filled with ice.

When our coffees were done dripping, we stirred them to combine the coffee and condensed milk. Mine was ready to enjoy. Philip poured his coffee into the glass full of ice, and voila!

As coffee addicts even before this experience, we had to go to the one Asian market in town to buy some of those Vietnamese style stainless steel coffee filters so we could make our own Vietnamese coffee recipe.

We also got our hands on some of the Vietnamese coffee that the restaurant used. The condensed milk is the Longevity brand. Philip said he has been using the same brand for years! As for the Trung Nguyen brand of ground Vietnamese coffee, it has a deep rich flavor with just a tiny hint of hazelnut flavor.

Vietnamese Coffee Culture: History Drinks Customs & More

How to make Vietnamese Coffee

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As the second-largest coffee producer and exporter in the world after Brazil, Vietnam holds a unique status in the coffee world. Vietnamese coffee culture is not just apparent in the variety of drinks or the countless coffee shops that pepper the streets of Hanoi. In Vietnam, coffee itself is a way of life.

Vietnamese coffee was the thing I looked forward to in my trips to Vietnam. I love coffee but it wasnt just the flavors that charmed me. For curious travelers like myself, the rich history and culture behind it are gripping and fascinating.

Are you like me and youre gung ho about Vietnamese coffee culture? Read on and find out what makes this delicious pick-me-up special, what to order, how to drink like a local, and how to make Vietnamese coffee at home.

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    Coffee For All Tastes The Trademark Of Vietnamese Coffee

    While the Vietnamese enjoy Trung Nguyen blends their way, youre free to drink it according to your preferences, so feel free to experiment with various brewing methods and grinds according to your tastes. For South Africans, the iced coffee variant makes a welcome beverage for our hot summers as our palates already have fond memories associated with condensed milk, making Vietnamese coffee drinks more than suitable for the South African coffee lover.

    Or, take the adventurous route and try the Vietnamese alternative to the cappuccino, ca-phe trung a strong shot of dark coffee with an egg yolk mixed into it. With a dash of condensed milk, this rich, foamy drink is an indulgent addition to a breakfast. Muscovado sugar, as an alternative to condensed milk, complements the drinks dark flavour tones splendidly, too.

    While the Vietnamese enjoy Trung Nguyen blends their way, youre free to drink it according to your preferences, so feel free to experiment with various brewing methods and grinds according to your tastes. For South Africans, the iced coffee variant makes a welcome beverage for our hot summers as our palates already have fond memories associated with condensed milk, making Vietnamese coffee drinks more than suitable for the South African coffee lover.

    What Is A Vietnamese Coffee Filter

    It all comes down to this crucial piece of equipment. Like some other brands such as Kleenex and Band-Aid, in this situation, one name has become synonymous with the particular type of filter in general. And this brand is Phin.

    What makes a Phin so unique is its combination of elegance and simplicity. The function is basically just a typical pour-over but the iconic shape and construction hide all this. Not only does this lead to an aesthetically pleasing design, but these filters are also a lot of fun to use.

    When we set out to purchase one of these, we went straight to the local Chinatown and found an extensive kitchen supply store. As soon as we were asked about a Vietnamese coffee filter, we were directed to the Phin boxes, displayed prominently along the wall.

    If you dont have access to this type of store, you can also find these products online.

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    How To Make Vietnamese Egg Coffee

    Brew a cup of Vietnamese coffee, without any sweetened condensed milk. The fluffy, creamy egg topping will add all the sweetness you need. While the coffee is brewing, make the sweetened egg cream by whisking together egg yolks and sweetened condensed milk with a milk frother. I like this one because it whips up eggs incredibly fast.

    You can use it to make dalgona coffee too! Once your sweetened egg cream is whipped up and your coffee is brewed, gently spoon the cream on top of the coffee. Enjoy sipping as is, or use a small spoon to stir everything together.

    How To Make Vietnamese Coffee Some Extra Brewing Tips

    Vietnamese Iced Coffee Recipe

    This Vietnamese coffee recipe seems simple enough but there a few small tweaks that can make or break your brew. Keep the following tips in mind.

    Preparing Your Water You dont want boiling water, you want just off boiling water. Bring your water to a boil, and then remove it from heat and let it sit for about a minute to a minute and a half. This will let it cool to somewhere within the range of 195205°F extremely hot water will burn your grounds .

    How much sweet condensed milk to add? The amount of sweetened condensed milk that you add is really up to you and your own personal tastes. If you like your coffee a little sweeter, feel free to add a touch more. However, be careful not to add too much, because this stuff is sweet!

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    Preparing Your Phin Once youve added your ground coffee you need to insert your metal filter and this requires a little judgement. You dont want to apply too much pressure, but you want to apply enough. If you apply too much your coffee will under-extract not enough and it will under-extract.

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    With a traditional Phin filter you tighten the press by screwing the top, but some phins dont have a screw-on press. If you are using one of these, just press the filter down tightly and give it a little twist.

    Brewing the coffee There is nothing fancy to do here but wait and let the coffee drip. If you used the correct grind size, and you applied the right amount of pressure, it should take 3-5 minutes for the coffee drip.

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    Fruit Juice And Smoothie

    Vietnam is broadly known as the heaven of tropical fruits due to its geographical location and favorable tropical climate conditions. There is no reason why visiting Vietnam without trying a glass of cool juice or smoothie, which is made from local fresh fruits blended with crushed ice, condensed milk and/or sugar. This tasty and healthy drink is so common in Vietnam that juice stalls can be found on every street and alleyway or anywhere near schools, markets, and public parks. Street side juice stalls set-up is small, simple, but tidy, organized & efficient: one juicer, one blender, a press. In front of the stall is the display space of fresh seasonal fruits such as: mangoes, avocados, oranges, passion fruits, sapodilla, carrots, coconuts, apples, etc. The vendor will only slice the fruits once customers finish the drink order. By this way, the fruits are always kept fresh for longer.

    Vietnamese Coffee Culture Is So Strong

    You may ask why Vietnamese people have such a strong culture and variety when it comes to coffee. Well, if we look a bit in the history, it’s not a strange thing why Vietnamese culture is revolving around the coffee. The country is the second producer of coffee in the world! As the country was a French colony, it was brought to Vietnam during the 19th century and since then, the government focuses so much effort on producing more and more.

    Right now, Vietnam is producing a whopping 2 million tons annually and the number is growing with each year. Vietnamese people usually lead a laid-back lifestyle which means many coffee breaks. It’s not a coincidence to see them on the street or coffee shops enjoying their coffee, no matter of the time.

    Expand your knowledge: Learn about Vietnamese culture!

    It was a really funny experience when I saw many small chairs set up on the street with Vietnamese people sitting on them while enjoying their coffee. And yeah, it was night time already. They have so many different options when it comes to coffee and it’s really hard to choose. I rarely drank bad coffee there. I tried a regular drip coffee , coffee with condensed milk , coconut coffee, yogurt coffee and strongest black coffee I’ve ever had.

    Each one of these blew me away, but still, I really stick to drip coffee for various reasons:

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    How Do You Make Vietnamese Coffee

    To brew Vietnamese coffee you need French roast coffee grounds, water, condensed milk, and a phin . Boil the water and preheat the filter and cup by adding some water through. Remove excess water, then add a heaping tablespoon of coffee into the filter.

    Twist the filter on top until there is some resistance and pour some water inside and wait for the grounds to expand before filling the filter all the way up. Brew for three to five minutes, then add the desired amount of condensed milk into the cup.

    Common Types Of Vietnamese Coffee

    Cafe Sua Da(Vietnamese Iced Coffee)Recipe

    Because of the intense flavor of darkly roasted Robusta, milk and sugar were needed to create a more balanced flavor. But fresh milk was scarce so the French and Vietnamese began to use sweet condensed milk, which is now a hallmark of Vietnamese coffee culture.

    The Vietnamese, being creative and resourceful, also came up with alternatives to milk and many variations of coffee drinks. Take note, unless you want to risk being overwhelmed by the menu in Vietnam coffee shops.

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    For The View: Cafe Pho Co

    Accessed via an entrance concealed in the back of a shop, a spiral staircase leads up to Hanois Cafe Pho Co and a stunning view of Hoan Kiem Lake. From the quiet balcony overlooking the lake and surrounding streets, you can enjoy a coffee while watching the seemingly never-ending stream of traffic pass by.

    How To Make Vietnamese Hot Coffee

    Now that we are on the road and in the mountains, the espresso fixes are a more complicated affair. However the Vietnamese coffee are as simple as ever. Pack a filter, grab sweetened condensed milk, grind some coffee, and bring a cup and one now has all they need to prepare delicious soul sanity. Dont forget the stove to heat up the water as well.

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    A Brief History Of Vietnamese Coffee

    Coffee was first introduced to Vietnam in 1857 by a French Catholic priest, and soon won the hearts of the local people. Producing coffee was possible in Vietnam since the soil and weather in Vietnam were suitable for growing coffee. Unfortunately, a long period of suffering from war brought Vietnamese economy into shambles. Hence, only few coffee fields were left intact from the ravages of war.

    Until 1986, the i mi time in Vietnam, coffee industry developed rapidly and boomed again. Nowadays, there are many coffee farms across the country, especially along the central highlands such as Lam Dong, Dak Lak provinces.

    Vietnam is currently the second largest coffee producer in the world, and the largest producer of Robusta coffee, a type of coffee with low-acidity, extremely bitter taste, double the caffeine, and more antioxidants.

    Vietnam is currently the second largest coffee producer in the world, and the largest producer of Robusta coffee


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