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HomeCaffeineAlternatives To Caffeine For Energy

Alternatives To Caffeine For Energy

Mushroom Alternatives To Caffeine For Energy

All-natural caffeine alternatives to boost your energy in the morning

Heres an exciting bit of news: while functional mushrooms typically have specific benefits associated with them, most supplements contain adaptogens, which are a classification of non-toxic plants, including mushrooms, that can help to maintain good health and a positive outlook by supporting the bodys healthy stress and immune responses.* The especially neat thing about adaptogens is that they can help your body adapt based on its own needs.

So, for example, if your body is craving an energy boost, adaptogens may be able to support that function regardless of the other health benefits they provide. If youre looking for an alternative to caffeine, you will want to include adaptogens into your routine through supplements like mushroom powder.

How Can I Stay Awake Without Caffeine

The best way to keep yourself alert and focused when you’re working at night is to drink plenty of water before bedtime. The reason why this works so well is because your body’s natural sleep cycle is closely linked to your circadian rhythm. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces less melatonin, which means that you’ll feel tired even if you’ve had enough restful hours. If you want to avoid getting too little shut eye, try drinking some warm milk before bed. It contains calcium and magnesium, two minerals that help promote healthy sleep cycles.

Coffee Alternatives For A Midday Energy Boost

There’s a reason 150 million Americans regularly drink coffee or similar caffeinated beverages–it gives us an energy boost and increases our focus. In the middle of a tough workday, it can be exactly what we need to feel better, think more efficiently, and hammer out our work in ample time. Unfortunately, overreliance on coffee can actually be a downside, as I once wrote in “7 Reasons Too Much Coffee Is Killing Your Career.” It can raise your blood pressure, influence the development of bad habits, and cost you a ton of money–not to mention thanks to caffeine tolerance, it loses its effectiveness over time.

Instead, why not try one of these seven coffee alternatives? They’re cheap, easily available, and they’ll give you just as much of an energy boost as any cup of coffee:

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Why Caffeine Substitutes Beat Fake Energy

So how exactly does caffeine give you this fake energy?

One of caffeines primary mechanisms of action is achieved by boosting the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and acetylcholine .

How do these types of neurotransmitters work?

Lets take dopamine as an example.

Dopamine affects levels of concentration by blocking adenosine receptors in your forebrain, receptors that would normally signal your brain to be tired when its supposed to be tired, like when its time to go to bed. Thats just one way caffeine works with your body chemicals to make you stay up at night.

Additionally, caffeine increases the release of catecholamines such as adrenaline, which stimulates your fight and flight sympathetic nervous system to make your heart beat faster, sends more blood to your muscles and induces your liver to release sugar into the bloodstream for energy, a process known as liver glycogenolysis.

This is why people who eat low amounts of sugar or carbohydrate, but drink copious amounts of coffee, can still have high blood sugar.

But caffeine can do more than this.

For example, it can help muscles to contract by causing the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle fibers to release calcium ions, it has been shown to reduce the percentage of maximum exertion that any given level of exercise requires, and even increases circulating and intracellular glucose and fatty acid availability .

Research also shows that the amount of caffeine we consume matters .

Natural Supplements To Boost Energy

30 High

Now that you know what to drink, here are some other energy-boosting supplements that can act long-term to naturally increase energy and reduce the need for caffeine.

1. Rhodiola Rosea

Also known as arctic root or golden root, this herb comes from the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia and has long been used as a natural tonic, or adaptogen, to promote physical and mental performance. Most commonly taken as a capsule, research shows it can boost energy naturally while managing stress at the same time.

2. Ashwaganda

Another adaptogen that can act as a powerful natural energy booster and stress reducer, ashwaganda is a shrub native to India and North Africa. Sold as a concentrated powder or capsule, ashwaganda root extract has been shown to improve endurance in well-trained athletes and reduce anxiety in adults.

3. Beetroot Powder

Packed with nutrients including potassium, fiber, and folate , beetroot powder supports healthy blood pressure and circulation by oxygenating the body, which in turn helps boost energy. Research also illustrates beetroots potential as an anti-inflammatory and effective means of enhancing athletic performance. However, consuming too much of the red stuff can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, colored urine and stool, and kidney stones.

4. Cordyceps

5. B Vitamins

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Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Juices And Smoothies

Blending or extracting fresh fruits and veggies into a juice or smoothie is a great way to get a hearty dose of vitamins and minerals in a single serving. Fresh fruits, such as berries, bananas and oranges, and leafy greens, like kale and spinach, are packed with vitamins that help your body convert food into fuel, also known as energy, says registered dietitian Rebecca Valdez, MS, RDN. Fruits also contain glucose, which is your brains preferred fuel source, she says.

If you have a juicer or blender, play around with different flavor combos until you find something you love.

Positives And Negatives Of Caffeine

Before I go on, its important to recognise that for a healthy individual, moderate amounts of caffeine arent harmful. In fact, there are loads of positive benefits of caffeine consumption, including an increased rate of fat burning, and firing up the frontal cortex to increase concentration and alertness.

The problem that many of us face with caffeine is caffeine dependency. And as caffeine lights up the same receptors in the brain as cigarettes, alcohol and even stronger drugs, its a lot easier to become dependent than you think.

Caffeine provides energy by stimulating your nervous system, much like when you are faced with a scary or stressful situation. As a result, your body secretes adrenaline and cortisol from the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the temporary increase in alertness.

Think of it this way. When you are faced with a potential threat, your body secretes these hormones to increase your alertness and give you every chance possible of escaping from the situation alive. Its an evolutionary response that saved us from being eaten by lions or drowning in a frozen lake. But with stimulants such as caffeine firing up this very same response, weve taken something that was once reserved for emergencies and turned it into an everyday occurrence.

And for those times when you need an energy boost and caffeine isnt an option, here are 6 natural alternatives to try!

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Best Natural Alternatives To Coffee For Energy

Key points

  • Many people consume coffee not for its bitter taste but for its ability to increase energy levels. However, there are many other caffeine-free alternatives that will make you feel energetic while also providing some benefits that coffee doesnt have.
  • Caffeine-free coffee alternatives include chicory coffee, roasted dandelion root, barley coffee, lemon water, red tea, golden milk, hot cacao, and roasted fig. Sparkling spirulina drinks by FUL® are also an amazing coffee alternative worth considering, especially for those looking for a go-to drink packed with vitamins and nutrients.
  • If you are looking for other caffeine drinks that will not make you jittery, try drinking matcha tea, black tea, yerba mate, kombucha, or masala tea.

Coffee is the most popular wake-up beverage in the world and a great energy booster for many people. However, if youre a coffee drinker, you may be familiar with its unpleasant side effects, such as anxiety, headache, and digestive distress. The reason why we feel so anxious after drinking a little more coffee than we are used to is that caffeine consumption stimulates the production of adrenaline, the hormone associated with the fight or flight response. This means that your body becomes ready to respond quickly in dangerous situations, and you become more anxious. All of this can cause you to feel jittery. Not to mention that excessive caffeine consumption can cause hormonal imbalances.

Guayusa: Caffeine Alternatives To Coffee

Boost Energy Without Caffeine: 4 Caffeine Alternatives- Thomas DeLauer

Guayusa is from the ilex guayusa plant. Its actually in the same plant family as yerba mate its just a different species of tree.

Despite them being from the same plant family, they are quite different. The Guayusa tree originates in northern South America primarily the Amazon Rainforest and primarily consumed in Ecuador.

Yerba mate is grown and consumed in Southern South America: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.

Guyausa does have slightly less caffeine than yerba mate, but you might find it easier to drink and still makes one of the best coffee alternatives for energy

Caffeine per cup compared to coffee!

Guayusa: ~ 66 mg

If mate is too strong tasting for you you may like guayusa better. It does contain a bit less caffeine than mate but it also has a much more mild taste. Its more similar to an Oolong or green tea.

The taste difference has to do with how the leaves are prepared. Mate is smoke-dried, whereas guayusa leaves are air-dried.

Not only is the taste more mild because it isnt smoked, but it can also be healthier. The smoking process of yerba mate can have carcinogenic properties. But the studies are still inconclusive on this .

Side note, guayusa is also super rich in antioxidants it even has more than in green tea! Making one of the best healthy coffee alternatives to try.

The only downside? It isnt as easily available to find here.

Guayusa Caffeine Alternatives To Coffee

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Still Want Your Morning Cup Try Drinking It Like This Instead

For the die-hard coffee lovers out there, we got you covered too. If the idea of giving up your morning cup seems like an impossible feat, we have some tips to help you supercharge that cup of joe, and possibly ease some of those caffeine jitters.

  • Add a healthy fat like 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to your morning cup of coffee.
  • Use ½ decaf, ½ regular to limit your caffeine intake.
  • Sprinkle in some stress-busting spices like cinnamon and turmeric
  • Use pure maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar, or monk fruit extract as your sweetener vs. regular sugar.
  • Skip the heavy cream and choose a dairy-free option like coconut cream instead.
  • Limit your morning caffeine intake to just 1-2 cups of coffee.

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much

The amount of caffeine consumed varies depending on the type of beverage, how it is prepared, and the person’s sensitivity to caffeine. The average adult consumes approximately 100 mg per day, which is equivalent to one cup of brewed coffee. However, there is no safe level of consumption. Excessive amounts of caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, tremors, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased heart rate, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, muscle twitching, and seizures. In extreme cases, death can occur from cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation.

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Drinks To Replace Your Morning Coffee That Will Help You Stay Awake

Drinking too much coffee can be detrimental because of its high caffeine content. Too much caffeine may pose a danger to your health, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns. There are several other drinks that can help you stay awake in the morning aside from coffee.

Americans are drinking more coffee than ever, according to a March 2020 report by the National Coffee Association. The average American coffee drinker has just over three cups per day, according to the report.

For healthy adults, the FDA says 400 mg of caffeine a day is an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects. An 8-oz. cup of coffee contains around 80 to 100 mg of caffeine.

However, there is wide variation in both how sensitive people are to the effects of caffeine and how fast they metabolize it , the FDA warns.

Here are some morning coffee alternatives that can help keep you awake.

What Can I Drink Instead Of Caffeine For Energy

7 Caffeine Alternatives For Daytime Energy Boost

1) Green Tea This beverage contains catechins which are antioxidants that give green tea its name. They contain less caffeine than black tea, so drinking this type of tea will not cause you to feel jittery like coffee would. The best thing about green tea is that it actually helps reduce stress and anxiety, making it perfect for those who suffer from these conditions.

2) Milk If you want to avoid caffeine altogether, milk could be just what you need. Research shows that drinking two cups of milk before bedtime can help you sleep longer and improve your mood. In addition, studies show that drinking milk before going to bed can increase your metabolism and make you burn calories faster. You don’t even have to worry about getting fat because milk is low in calories and full of nutrients.

3) Water Drinking water before bedtime can help prevent dehydration, which can lead to insomnia. Also, water can help relax muscles, which makes falling asleep easier. Try drinking half a glass of water right before bedtime to see how much difference it makes.

4) Herbal Teas There are many herbal teas out there that are great for boosting energy. Chamomile is probably the most well known herb for increasing alertness and reducing stress. Other herbs such as chrysanthemum, ginkgo biloba, licorice root, passion flower, and valerian root are also good choices. All of these herbs are safe, natural ways to help you stay focused throughout the day.

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Add Some Cold Water To Your Shower

Right before you get ready to get out of the shower, turn on the cold water. While this may sound like the last thing you want to do, it may give you that much-needed morning energy boost.

Cold showers have been found to help us feel more alert, making it a great way to get the energy flowing without the caffeine.

Natural Alternatives To Caffeine For A Morning Energy Boost

Some people swear by caffeine, while others hate it. That morning cup of coffee or tea is indispensable for millions, but millions more find that the energy is short-lived, spiky, and unfocused. It’s a drug, and drugs work differently on different people. There’s no shame in wanting to cut out caffeine and replace it with something a little better for you. So that’s just what we’ve done here today. Pick and choose: here are fifteen natural energy boosters you can try out to get up and going in the morning.

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Bottom Line On Caffeine Alternative

Whether youre looking to eliminate coffee completely or just cut down your caffeine intake, you should try these caffeine alternatives. They are a great way to wake yourself up and still keep yourself energized all day long.

However, if you would like a more potent caffeine replacement, we recommend you try out Mind Lab Pro. It is designed to optimize a wide array of cognitive functions including brain energy and in all types of people.

Soda Water With Fruit Juice

What’s The BEST Coffee Alternative? Boost Energy With ZERO Caffeine!

Some people find the pleasing fizz of sodas difficult to give up. Mixing plain soda water with a little fruit juice and a squeeze of lemon or lime provides a refreshing alternative.

Some juices that work well are cranberry, raspberry and apple, and grape. However, as many juice products are high in added sugars, it is best to use fresh fruits or opt for 100% fruit juices, where possible.

For more science-backed resources on nutrition, visit our dedicated hub.

commonly use ginseng root and ginseng extract to boost energy, improve memory and concentration, relieve stress and fatigue, and slow the effects of aging.

Anyone wishing to try ginseng as a tea or a supplement should read the product instructions carefully to ensure the correct dosage.

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Matcha An All Powerful Coffee Alternative For Energy

If youre looking for a bit more of a caffeine boost than black tea, matcha is a great coffee alternative with caffeine. Matcha is a form of green tea from the Camelia sinensis plant. Even though they are from the same plant, matcha and black tea could not be more different.

First, to make matcha, leaves have to be shade grown. Being shade grown increases the number of amino acids . Remember from black tea? L-Theanine is responsible for teas slow and steady mental energy effects.

Second, matcha leaves are then crushed into a powder. This means, when you make matcha, you drink the leaves themselves .

Drinking matcha everyday was also seen to improve long term brain functionality.

Caffeine per cup compared to coffee!

Matcha: ~ 3888 mg per 1/4 cup *Coffee: ~100 mg/ 1 cup

*The caffeine content in matcha varies based on a few factors: the quality of matcha that you use and how you brew it.

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So Good So You Energy Probiotic Shot

Dont hesitate to send these shots down the hatch as they are a blend of organic juices and superfoods known for imparting energy like coffeeberry extract , moringa powder, and orange, spinach, and mango juices. Theyre also chock full of probiotics to support digestive and immune health. Nothing made in a lab makes the ingredient list, but the shots are made with 100% renewable energy in a zero-waste facility so your conscience can feel So Good too. The brand also offers shots aimed at correcting other complaints like a lack of endurance, terrible sleep, fading beauty, or a need to detox.

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