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Does Coffee Affect Your Kidneys

Coffee And Kidney Disease

How does Coffee affect Kidney Disease?

For a while, coffee was considered potentially detrimental to the Kidneys. However, the relationship may be more complex than originally thought. There have been numerous recent studies on the correlation between coffee consumption and kidney disease, such as a 2008 study performed in Korea that analysed the habits of 2600 women, which showed a decrease in the prevalence of kidney disease.

Another study looked specifically at the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua, where a lower prevalence of chronic kidney disease was found in coffee-growing villages. A 2016 meta-analysis found no association between increased coffee intake and kidney disease in males, and in females, there was a possible reduced risk.

So it seems, contrary to prior thought, that coffee may play a protective role in kidney disease. However, the effectiveness and mechanism are not fully understood. Some believe that the antioxidant effects of coffee may play a part.

Therefore, patients with kidney stones, especially those with calcium oxalate stones, should still regard coffee as a possible risk factor.

How Much Coffee Should I Drink To See These Benefits

In the studies we mentioned above, drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day was associated with positive effects. But its a good idea to discuss your coffee intake with your healthcare provider first, to make sure the amount youre drinking is right for you.

Of note, the health benefits of coffee come from coffee not the creamers and sugars some people add. If you dont like the taste of black coffee, there are healthy ways to spruce it up.

Is Coffee Bad For Kidney Stones

Many with kidney stones are concerned about the impact coffee may have on kidney stone formation. Coffee, after all, increases risk of dehydration. And with not enough fluid, kidney stones can form.

However, a study in 2014 found that including caffeinated beverages, including coffee, results in a lower risk of kidney stones.

There was also a review published in 2020 looking at the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys from 2007 to 2014. They found an increased risk of recurring kidney stones in those who already had a history of recurrent kidney stones. There was no increased risk found in those who reported experiencing only one kidney stone in their history.

A review published in 2021 looked over 13 studies related to both coffee and tea with the risk of kidney stones. They found that moderate coffee consumption did not increase the risk for kidney stones, provided the recommended daily fluid intake is maintained.

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Is Turmeric Good Or Bad For Kidney Disease

Is turmeric good for kidney disease? is another common question I get asked by many of my renal patients when they start their specific diet. I will answer this question in a nuanced manner so that the readers get more insight into turmeric and its effect on people suffering from kidney diseases.Tumeric is a very popular spice found in virtually every household of India. Turmeric is largely grown in the tropics and is recognized by different names in different regions, for example in the northern part of India, turmeric is commonly called Haldi and in the southern part of India, it is also known as Manjal.

Turmeric does a lot more than simply giving the yellow color or adding a flavor to the food. Turmeric has various nutritional properties like fighting against inflammation, helping with digestive issues and the boosting immune system.

Coming back to the question, Is turmeric good for kidney disease?. When it comes to kidney diseases, inflammation is one of the biggest reasons for the progression of the disease which could lead to the complete failure of the kidneys.

Coffee Activates The Bodys Stress Response

How does coffee affect your kidneys?  Death Wish Coffee Company

Caffeine activates the bodys stress response causing an increase in cortisol and adrenaline production. Elevations in stress hormones such as cortisol have widespread negative impacts on our bodies. It increases blood pressure, raises blood sugar levels, suppresses our immune system, increases inflammation and oxidative damage and changes the composition of blood, making it more prone to clotting all of which are implicated in the development and progression of kidney disease.

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Caffeine As A Diuretic

Caffeine, which belongs to a class of substances called methylxanthines, is a mild diuretic. Theophylline, another drug in this class, was actually used as a diuretic until more potent diuretics were developed. Both of these drugs act on the kidneys by preventing absorption of water. Research reported by R.J. Maughan and J. Griffin in the December 2003 “Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics” noted that people who had not had any caffeine for a few days had increased urinary output after drinking the amount of caffeine equivalent to two to three cups of coffee.

Effects Of Caffeine Consumption On Kidney Stone Disease

Although the effects of caffeine on the kidney have been extensively studied, its influence in kidney stone disease seems to be overlooked. The evidence on whether caffeine prevents or promotes kidney stone disease has recently become more clear. Because an increase in fluid intake is widely recommended for the prevention of kidney stone formation, some previous studies during the past 2 decades focused on the relevance of the type of consumed beverages, including caffeinated beverages, in association with kidney stone incidence. In 1996, the first cohort data retrieved from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study in 45,298 male participants who had no history of kidney stones were reported . The findings showed that not all types of beverages affect kidney stone disease. Only caffeinated coffee and decaffeinated coffee and tea, but not caffeinated and noncaffeinated sodas, are associated with an 10% lower risk of kidney stone incidence .

In 1998, the Nurses Health Study , another cohort study in 81,083 female participants who had no history of kidney stones reported the association between beverage consumption and a lower risk of kidney stone disease . The data showed a 10%, 9%, and 8% lower risk of kidney stone formation in the participants who consumed caffeinated coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and tea, respectively .

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Caffeine And Urine Color

And for those who are curious, de Souza says caffeine also “probably won’t make your urine any darker or lighter.”

In some cases, “if you are drinking a lot of coffee or tea,” he says, urine color may be a shade lighter. “But I don’t think it’s a major cause for concern, unless someone’s physician has a reason to suspect otherwise.”

Is Decaf Coffee Good For Your Liver

Too Much Caffeine Does THIS to YOUR Kidneys â ï¸?

Sorry, youll need to reach for the high-octane stuff. Much of coffees beneficial effects on the liver come from the buzz. You have to consume regular coffee not decaf daily to get the liver benefits, Dr. Wakim-Fleming says. Theres something inherent about caffeine that is helpful to the liver.

There are other beneficial ingredients as well. Coffee contains antioxidants and other compounds that all play a big role in decreasing liver inflammation, she adds.

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Kidney Health And Coffee Consumption: Is There A Link

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Coffee is the most popular drink on the planet, with approximately two billion cups consumed each day. Coffee seeds comprise a variety of minerals, vitamins, caffeine and phytochemicals that can have a myriad of effects on different systems within the body. It’s hardly surprising, therefore, that an area of scientific research has evolved to address the impact of drinking coffee at the molecular level. A “grande” amount of literature exists in this space, with previous studies asking questions such as: Can you really drink too much coffee? Is coffee good for metabolism?A new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has focused specifically on the “coffeekidney” relationship. The results are published in theClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Ways To Prevent Kidney Stones

All that said, there are some always-good-for-you options that can also help prevent stones.

Here’s a short list of recommendations to consider.

  • Fluids of all types are safe, because they increase urine output and that’s a big goal. Dilute urine is your best friend in preventing stones, so drink up.

  • There are benefits to balance, so eat more fruits and vegetables. “I can’t think of a reason why they wouldn’t be safe for anybody,” said Penniston. “A variety of fruits and vegetables can provide stone prevention benefits for most people. There are some foods like fruits and vegetables that, if we eat more of them, can reduce some of the major risk factors of most types of stones.”

  • Bacteria can be a good thing. The gut microbiome is the hottest new topic when it comes to nutrition. And it turns out that the bacteria that live in our GI tract probably do have a lot more to do with our overall health than we think.”Some of the therapy that we do is aimed at optimizing the gut microbiome, and to do that you have to eat foods that will sustain a healthy colonization of bacteria, like fiber and fruits and vegetables,” said Penniston. “Cultured foods like yogurt, and kefir or fermented foods aid the microbiome directly by introducing more bacteria into the digestive tract.”

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Kidney Health With Urology Specialist

Dr Arianayagam is an expert in the field of urological cancer surgery and the treatment of urological conditions. He is one of the most experienced cancer surgeons in Sydney.

If you have any questions regarding kidney health or would like to book an appointment, please feel free to contact Dr Arianayagams office or call on , and his staff will be more than happy to assist.

Learn more about how we can help you below:

Ask The Doctor With Dr Leslie Spry Md Facp

Does Drinking Coffee All Day Damage Your Kidneys?

1. How does drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages affect the kidneys?

Caffeine is a mild diuretic and will lead to a mild increase in urine output for a short time. Caffeine will also raise blood pressure slightly for a short time. These changes are short lived and are not permanent.

2. If I am at risk for kidney disease or currently living with chronic kidney disease, will caffeine affect my kidneys differently?

Caffeine has not been shown to cause any change in the course of patients with chronic kidney disease . One can see a modest increase in blood pressure if you drink excessive amounts of caffeinated beverages, especially in the first 15 minutes after drinking. I have seen some studies to suggest that drinking more than six cups of coffee per day, could lead to sustained high blood pressure, but these studies have not always been consistent. Overall, there is no reason to restrict moderate consumption of caffeine-containing beverages.

Send your questions to Dr. Spry! Email

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How The Scientists Explain The Effect Of Coffee On Kidney Stone Formation

The scientists offer a few reasons for why coffee may help reduce the occurrence of kidney stones, noting that caffeine increases urine flow, “which represents an important protective factor against the development of kidney stones,” they said.

They added that caffeine “can also reduce calcium oxalate crystal adhesion to kidney cells,” and that “coffee plants are rich in citric acid urinary citrate is a known inhibitor of renal stone formation.”

Does Coffee Affect Your Kidneys Ayurveda


The ever-growing popularity of coffee has made it a matter of concern because of its various health effects. The Researches are being conducted to know how coffee affects the immune system of people with kidney disease. It is hard to imagine a morning without a cup of coffee, but there also have been times when coffee was restricted in certain parts of the world, because of a number of reasons.

Coffee is a staple drink, and people get it tough to start the morning ritual without a sip of a coffee. When people find out they have kidney disease and doctors suggest opting for a renal diet, the first thing they usually ask their dietician is Does coffee harm my kidneys?. The bottom line is No, coffee does not pose any side effects on your kidneys, but

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Is Drinking Coffee/caffeine Bad For Your Kidneys

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CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS, BLOOD PRESSURE, AND KIDNEY DISEASEHowever, despite the possibility of these kidney damaging effects of caffeine that would “make sense”, the evidence has not quite panned out that way

Top 5 Healthy Drinks For People With Kidney Disease

Can I drink coffee if I have Kidney Disease?

Many of us love reaching for a refreshing, ice cold drink on a hot summer day, or cozying up with a warm beverage during the dead of winter. But did you know that the drinks you choose to quench your thirst can have a tremendous impact on your kidney health?

As a nephrologist and Kidney Kitchen® contributor, drink-related questions are some of the most common questions I get. Whether you need to watch out for certain nutrients or have fluid restrictions that you need to stick to, there are ways to enjoy healthy drinks for your kidneys. Remember: each person with kidney disease should stick to the food and fluid plan you discussed with your doctor and dietitian, as it addresses your specific kidney function, fluid needs and electrolyte imbalances . Here are five of my favorite drinks that are generally healthy for people with kidney disease:

  • Black coffee: Every year, there seems to be a new study that publicizes the benefits of coffee. Drinking coffee my favorite morning beverage may help protect you from developing kidney disease and keep your kidneys filtering at a higher level for a longer period of time. Unfortunately, not all coffee drinks are healthy, and if you have kidney disease, you may be limited in what you can add to your coffee. Drinking black coffee, instead of coffee with high-potassium and high-phosphorus milk or high-calorie sugary drinks, will be your best bet.
  • Start with water that is not quite boiling .
  • Add a tea bag and steep for 24 minutes only.
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    Which Type Of Tea Causes Kidney Stones

    Now, after knowing that green tea prevents the formation of kidney stones, you might be thinking that the effect is the same with other tea varieties as well. Arent you?

    However, this is not true!

    There are teas that cause kidney stones. Those who already suffer from kidney stones are not supposed to drink tea. This is because tea contains a high amount of oxalate that leads to the formation of kidney stones.

    If you consume too much tea you can end up with kidney stones.

    Now, as already discussed, green tea has a preventive effect with regard to kidney stones and this shows that not every tea causes them. It all depends on the oxalate level of tea.

    When compared to green tea, black tea has a higher amount of oxalate present in it and therefore should be avoided.

    P.S. It is still not very clear whether by bringing down your consumption of oxalate-rich foods you can prevent kidney stones or not. So, those with a history of kidney stones need to limit their consumption of food and drink that has more amount of oxalate.

    You can always drink green tea as the amount of oxalate in it is quite less when compared to that of black tea.

    Not Drinking Enough Water

    Staying well hydrated helps your kidneys clear sodium and toxins from the body. Drinking plenty of water is also one of the best ways to avoid painful kidney stones. Those with kidney problems or kidney failure may need to restrict their fluid intake, but for most people, drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day is a healthy target.

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    What About Decaffeinated Coffee

    While some of the negative effects of coffee do come from its caffeine intake, drinking decaffeinated coffee instead isnt the answer .

    Caffeine is extracted from coffee beans through a few different methods with the most common being the use of synthetic chemicals such as ethyl acetate and methylene chloride which is an active ingredient in paint stripper that has been banned in some countries for consumer use. I dont know about you but Im not too keen on putting something in my body that used paint stripper in the extraction process!

    A Study On Coffee And Kidney Stones

    What Excess Coffee Intake is Really Doing to Your Body

    A press release from the National Kidney Foundation reveals that the American Journal of Kidney Diseases published an important new study last week.

    The study analyzed genetic data from nearly 572,000 participants from the U.K. and Finland and was led by Susanna C. Larsson, PhD, from the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and Shuai Yuan, BMed, MMedSc, of Sweden’s Uppsala University.

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