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Is Coffee Bad For Uric Acid

How Does Coffee Help Gout

Gout Diet Dos & Don’ts

One reason coffee can help gout sufferers is because it lowers uric acid levels by increasing the rate of uric acid excretion in the body. Coffee contains beneficial compounds such as caffeine and polyphenols:


Caffeine functions similarly to xanthine oxidase inhibitors, which inhibit the activity of xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme responsible for metabolizing purines, a source of uric acid. So inhibiting this enzyme can help prevent the buildup of uric acid.

Caffeine has a similar structure to allopurinol, a drug used to treat gout that removes uric acid from body tissues. When some people first start taking allopurinol, they may have an increased risk of gout attacks as the uric acid gets mobilized from the body tissues. Over time, however, taking the drug gradually decreases the amount of uric acid to a point where attacks no longer occur. Thats why occasional coffee drinkers may have more gout attacks when taking allopurinol, while regular coffee drinkers may not.


Coffee contains a polyphenol called chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid and other antioxidants help reduce the level of insulin in the blood. Insulin and uric acid are closely related because increased insulin sensitivity and decreased insulin levels improve the elimination of uric acid and sodium. Thus, chlorogenic indirectly removes uric acid from the body by improving insulin sensitivity.

Is drinking tea good for gout?

Foods That Increase Uric Acid

Uric acid is a byproduct created when the body digests foods containing purines. Purine is a non-essential compoundmeaning it can be produced by the body and it can also be consumed in foods.

Managing uric acid levels is an important topic for individuals who have risk factors for gout because high uric acid levels increase the likelihood of developing gout. Here, we look at the relationship between the purines in your diet, uric acid, and gout.

Laura Porter / Verywell

You Can’t Avoid All Purines

There are too many sources of purines to eliminate them all from your diet. You will stay healthier overall if you eat some foods with purines. Remember that vegetable purines have never been shown to promote gout attacks, and that low-fat dairy products are protein sources that lower your risk of gout pain. People with gout can still enjoy meat in moderation, but should limit meat, fish, and poultry to 4 to 6 ounces a day.

  • Dave & Les Jacobs / Blend Images
  • Ariel Skelley / Blend Images
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    Does Caffeine Make Gout Worse

    Well, there may be some good news for gout sufferers. Several studies suggest that caffeine, in and of itself, may not be linked to a higher risk of either incident gout or recurring gout.

    In fact, at least one study, published in 2007, found quite the opposite: an inverse association between long-term coffee consumption and serum uric acid. In other words, the study found that blood uric acid levels decreased with increased coffee intake.

    And remember, gout is caused by higher-than-normal uric acid levels in the bloodstream so this, and similar studies, suggest that coffee may actually reduce the risk of gout , not increase it.

    However, the study couldnt find an association with tea or with total caffeine consumption . But it did find an association with coffee.

    So it seems that other components in coffee may be responsible for lowering uric acid, not the caffeine. Exactly what or how this works is unknown, although there are some theories.

    For example, coffee contains chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol that studies show may help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce glucose levels. This is interesting in our context because a study has linked improved insulin sensitivity to increased uric acid excretion which, of course, can then lead to a reduction in blood uric acid and a lower gout risk.

    Also, other studies suggest that chlorogenic acid helps to inhibit iron absorption in the body which, since iron overload is a risk factor for gout, reduces the risk of gout.

    Avoid Processed And Refined Sugars

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    Uric acids have a direct link to protein-rich food consumption. However, some scientific studies have revealed that sugar plays an important role in affecting your health. Sugar added to foods is fructose, and you can find it mostly in processed foods. Thus, you will find an increased uric acid level in your blood. Moreover, you have to avoid drinks containing a high amount of fructose.

    There is a strong reason for avoiding sugars in processed foods. These sugars increase your blood sugar, and ultimately, you will have a higher uric acid level. As you desire an effective home remedy for your uric acid symptoms, you have to focus on your foods sugar content. You will notice a reduction in the uric acid level by avoiding processed foods with sugars.

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    How To Get Rid Of Gout Fast

    Gout is a painful type of arthritis that feels similar to the pain experienced with rheumatoid arthritis, as both diseases cause inflammation in the joints.

    Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood.

    When the body cannot get rid of the excess uric acid, that buildup ends up accumulating as crystals in a joint, such as the big toe.

    This creates swelling, redness, warmth, and severe joint pain in the affected area.

    This condition has historically been seen as a disease that only affects old, wealthy men.

    About 4% of Americansmore than 8 million peoplesuffer from gout.

    Since gout can be caused by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, anyone can get gouteven if they eat what would typically be deemed a healthy diet.

    Attacks and flare-ups of the condition can be painful.

    While there is no cure for gout, there are things you can do to get relief from the pain and inflammation.

    In this article, Ill talk about ways to get fast relief from a gout attack, treatment options for these flare-ups, and warning signs that an attack may be coming.

    Ill also tell you when its best to talk to your doctor or another healthcare provider about gout symptoms.

    Coffee And Gout Prevention

    A 2007 study investigated the potential link between coffee intake and gout risk among nearly 46,000 men. The authors found that men who drank four to five cups of coffee a day had a 40 percent lower relative risk of gout compared to men who werent coffee drinkers. Decaf coffee also modestly lowered gout risk, but tea didnt have any effect, suggesting that something other than caffeine is responsible for the effect on gout.

    There is a theory that a component of coffee, chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant, may actually be the reason that coffee is associated with a lower incidence of gout, explains Elinor Mody, MD, director of the Womens Orthopedic and Joint Disease Program at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston.

    Chlorogenic acid and other antioxidants help reduce blood levels of the hormone, insulin. Levels of insulin and uric acid are closely related. When insulin levels are low, uric acid tends to be lower, too. To illustrate the connection, another 2007 study by the same authors found that people who drank several cups of coffee a day had lower uric acid levels.

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    Coffee May Help To Lower Your Risk Of Gout

    Gout is a type of arthritis that develops when urate crystals accumulate in the joint. It usually affects the joint at the base of the big toe. Gout attacks often cause sudden, severe pain, tenderness and redness in the affected joint.

    Urate crystals can form when you have high levels of uric acid in your blood. Uric acid comes from the breakdown of a compound called purines.

    Purines are found naturally in all body cells and are also found in certain foods, such as steak, organ meats and seafood.

    Drinking coffee may lower your risk of gout by lowering uric acid levels in your body. Coffee contains compounds called trigonelline and chlorogenic acid, which may help lower uric acid levels by affecting how your body processes or eliminates uric acid.

    Some research suggests that drinking coffee in moderation, especially regular caffeinated coffee, may be associated with a reduced risk of gout.

    However, other studies havent found this connection between drinking coffee and having a lower risk of gout. More research is needed to determine whether coffee may be helpful as part of a gout treatment plan.

    Drink Plenty Of Water

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    This wont likely provide immediate relief, but inadequate hydration is known to contribute towards the creation of urate crystals.

    Drinking water may flush uric acid crystals out of your system.

    Preliminary research suggests that adequate water consumption during the 24-hour period before a gout flare can decrease recurrent gout attacks.

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    Medical Research That Proves Coffee Is Beneficial For Gout Sufferers

    Coffee and gout have been the main part of a research which was conducted 12 years ago. It was a massive research which included more than 45.000 people. The main goal was to prove how coffee affects gout and does it reduces the risk of developing it. All I can say at this moment is that I wish I was able to know about the study what I know now and what it will share with you.

    Straightaway, I will reveal that the results of the research were positive. It was determined that coffee actually reduces the risk of developing gout. Surprisingly, there are interesting figures here. In order to get the most benefits, you will have to drink between 5 and 7 cups of coffee per a day. The risk of developing gout was reduced by 8% among those men who consumed one or two cups of coffee per a day. But, it was reduced by 59% among those who drank 6 cups of coffee daily. Those who consumed between 2 and 5 cups of coffee per a day decreased the risk of gout for 40%.

    All of the research was directed towards the coffee with a caffeine. On the other hand, decaffeinated coffee had much lower results and wasnt as great or better said beneficial as the first type of coffee. The explanation lies in the uric acid levels. It looks like coffee reduces the level, literally meaning that the risk of gout will be decreased.

    Things To Cut Down On

    Meat and seafood

    High intakes of red meat and seafood are associated with a greater risk of gout because of their high purine content and impact on uric acid production.

    Foods that contain yeast, such as Vegemite and Marmite, are also high in purine.


    Fructose is a simple sugar found in honey, fruit, some vegetables and sweeteners. Fructose increases purine metabolism, raising blood uric acid levels.

    Avoid sweeteners high in fructose such as honey, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, golden syrup and palm sugar. Check your tolerance for fruits, vegetables and other foods high in fructose.

    Uric acid levels tend to be higher in people who regularly consume sugar-sweetened drinks. Those drinking one to two sugar-sweetened soft drinks a day are almost twice as likely to have gout as those who drink only one a month.

    When it comes to whole fruit, results are not clear. While one study found a higher risk of gout with higher fruit intakes, another found a lower risk. The opposing results are partly confounded by the variation in fructose content of different fruits.


    The effect of specific alcoholic beverages on blood uric acid levels varies. Beer is high in purine and increases uric acid more than spirits, while moderate wine intake appears neutral.

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    Who Can Benefit From A Low Purine Diet

    Anyone with high uric acid levels in their blood can benefit from reducing high-purine foods. This may help to prevent gout in people with hyperuricemia who havent yet developed the disease. It may also help prevent existing gout from progressing and prevent other complications of hyperuricemia, such as kidney stones.

    Caffeine May Cause Gout

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    Arthritis experts recently met to discuss recent studies conducted regarding gout. Some of the studies showed that caffeine can increase a persons risk for contracting gout.

    Gout is an inflammatory disease similar to arthritis, where uric acid builds up in the joints and tendons causing swelling and pain.

    Since 1984 reported gout attacks have increased 45% and 8 million Americans were diagnosed with gout in 2008 alone.

    But, is caffeine really to blame?

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    Alcohol And Gout Risk

    Although beer may be the worst drink for gout, any alcoholic beverage can trigger gout symptoms in people who are prone to the disease. Alcohol causes the kidneys to excrete alcohol instead of excreting uric acid. That increases the amount of uric acid in the blood, which could provoke a gout attack in about one or two days, warns David Freeman, MD, a rheumatologist at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass.

    Four Main Kinds Of Kidney Stones

    There are four main kinds of kidney stones:

    • Calcium oxalate stones, by far the most common type of kidney stone

    • Calcium phosphate stones, also very common

    • Uric acid stones, often associated with diabetes

    • Struvite stones, often caused by an active infection

    The two most common kidney stones include calcium’ in their names, so does that mean you should cut out milk and other calcium-rich foods?

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    Asking The Awkward Questions

    My natural curiosity prompted me to ask questions about this disease.

    If uric acid leads to gout then why did I suddenly have too much uric acid in my blood?

    Well, it makes sense that either I was suddenly producing too much of it or that my body simply was no longer removing it effectively.

    And it turns out that the answer is b.

    In fact, for 90% of gout sufferers scientists say it isnt over-production of uric acid that is the problem.

    Its the under-processing of it.

    In other words, somethings going wrong with the bodys ability to expel uric acid properly.

    So I was quite puzzled.

    Heres how I thought about it.

    There was a time when I hadnt even heard of gout much less suffered from it.

    Then I had gout for just over 3 years.

    And then, two years ago, I experienced my last ever gout attack. And never suffered another one.

    So. For a number of decades of my life my body handled the uric acid effectively.

    Suddenly it could no longer handle that acid properly and so I found myself with gout.

    Fast-forward after three years of gout and, once again, everything is fine. Im gout-free.

    It doesnt take Sherlock Holmes to work this out.

    Remember: its not that Im producing too much uric acid thats the problem.

    Its that Im no longer removing enough of it from my body.

    So at first, something in my body was working, it was getting rid of the uric acid.

    Then it stopped working. So I got gout.

    Then it started working again.

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    Most Soy Should Be Fine

    Understanding Gouty Arthritis

    Soy foods like tofu, soy milk, and edamame have moderate amounts of purines. Traditionally doctors have cautioned against eating too much soy for people with gout. One study found that soybeans, soymilk, and soy powder increased uric acid in the blood significantly. However, larger population studies have recently told a different story. Several have reported that not only are soy products harmless for gout patients, but also people who eat more soy tend to have a reduced gout risk.

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    What Kind Of Coffee Is Good For Gout

    The simplest cup of brewed coffee will serve the best for gout.

    The dark roast coffee is the one thats the best due to its rich antioxidants properties. It also has a low acidic level that makes the beans better. The properties of such beans help in fighting free radicals that cause cellular damage.

    Some high-altitude beans of high quality can also serve in this regard.

    If you dont like the flavor of coffee, try to add some low-fat milk to it. Milk is a good drink to drink while having gout since it can help in lowering uric acid levels.

    However, dont add sugar or sugary content to your coffee. Sugar often works as a trigger for gout symptoms.

    As sugar triggers gout symptoms, below are the beverages that can increase the risk of gout:

    Energy drinks are high in sugar and can increase the chances of gout attacks.

    Plant Protein Caffeine Intake Tied To Lower Uric Acid In Kidney Transplant Recipients

    Greater consumption of plant protein and caffeine is associated with lower serum uric acid levels in kidney transplant recipients , a new study finds.

    Investigators analyzed the dietary intake of 113 KTRs using two 24-hour dietary recalls. Hyperuricemia was classified as serum uric acid levels exceeding 7.0 mg/dL in men and 6 mg/dL in women. Hyperuricemia in this population is typically attributed to low uric acid excretion due to reduced glomerular filtration rates.

    KTRs with elevated uric acid levels ingested lower amounts of carbohydrates, plant protein, total fiber, soluble fiber, caffeine, lactose, calcium, and dairy products.

    In adjusted analyses, greater consumption of plant protein predicted variances of uric acid by approximately 2%, Erick P. de Oliveira, PhD, of Universidade Federal de Uberlândia in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and colleagues reported inThe Journal of Renal Nutrition. Patients who ingested more caffeine had an approximately 2% reduced likelihood of hyperuricemia.

    Cereals , fruits and beans were the main foods that contributed to plant protein intake, whereas teas and coffee , and chocolates were the main food sources of caffeine intake.

    Although consumption of animal protein is commonly associated with hyperuricemia, after an adjusted multiple linear regression analysis only plant protein intake remained associated with uric acid.


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