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HomeCaffeineNatural Energy Drinks Without Caffeine

Natural Energy Drinks Without Caffeine

Sambazon Low Calorie Amazon Energy

All-natural caffeine alternatives to boost your energy in the morning

Sambazon is a company built around the power of açaí, those purple-colored berries commonly found in smoothie bowls. The brand’s name takes inspiration from the Amazon rainforest, where these famous berries grow on açaí palm trees. As Good Housekeeping explains, the health hype comes from the fact that the berries are full of calcium, fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Per Sambazon, the caffeine comes from multiple sources, including yerba mate, green tea, and guarana. Combined, this amounts to 120 milligrams of caffeine per 12-ounce can .

Since the nutritional stats for the standard version is a mixed bag, we suggest sticking with the with 35 calories, 17 grams of carbohydrates, and six grams of sugar in each can. You’ll also receive 310% of your daily serving of vitamin C. Of course, each drink is also made with açaí juice, so it’s suggested that you’ll also enjoy the benefits of those berries as well.

What Our Customers Think:

Really like Virtue, & this is their best flavour yet! Makes me feel like I’m on holiday! Zero sugar and zero calories too so can only be good!


I bought this tropical virtue drink as i love their other products. This might be my favourite yet, it’s SO tasty and has no sugar or calories!


Mint Water Lemon Water Or Just Water

I don’t have much to say here, except for there’s no drink on the planet that can parallel the health benefits of just good old water and hydration. While water doesn’t have any caffeine-like stimulant that will shoot up your energy drastically, it’s the singular most important lubricant involved in basically every process in your body, including that of energy conversion and production. Hydration will help you maintain a steady supply of energy through the day, and ward off fatigue or tiredness. Throwing in another nutrient-rich and energy-enhancing garnish like lemon juice or mint to your water will further stimulate your energy, freshness and focus levels. Drink up kids.

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What Is A Natural Stimulant

Natural stimulants are compounds found in plants, roots or other natural sources that increase activity in your central nervous system. They can also help you improve your focus and sense of calm while stabilizing your mood.

If you are looking for natural stimulants that arent caffeine, here are 13 few options that you should consider.

Avoid Using Electronics Before Bed

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“Using electronics before sleep has been shown to be disruptive to sleep and can result in feeling tired and less cognitively sharp,” Dr. Herlands added.

According to a 2014 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study, people who used light-emitting e-readers before bed had a harder time falling asleep, lower levels of sleep-promoting hormones, and shorter and delayed REM sleepall of which reduced their alertness levels in the morning.

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Natural Ways To Have More Energy

Most people wake up to a warm cup of coffee in the morning to give them energy for their day. For others, its more of a habitual practice and source of comfort before their hectic days begin. However, some studies have shown that large amounts of caffeine can harm your health. After all, the FDA still classifies caffeine as a drug. Additionally, we consume more of it than any other drug, thanks to our love of coffee and energy drinks.

Cherry Lime Energy Drink

Naturally energize and invigorate with this jitter-free energy drink. Made with sencha green tea, this drink is free of added sugar to stimulate without the jitters. This energy drink contains just 4 simple ingredients and zero artificial flavors.

Tart cherries are packed with immune-system supporting vitamin-C as well as antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress. Polyphenols in cherries help support healthy cells and a healthy anti-inflammatory response, ideal for supporting muscle recovery after a strenuous workout.

The anti-inflammatory properties of cherries multi-task to support healthy joints. One simple way to enjoy the benefits of cherries when they arent in season is to sip on tart cherry juice. Look for an organic, unsweetened variety in the juice section of your supermarket.

The MVP of this energy drink is Sencha green tea. Sencha provides a sustained, calm energy from the amino acid l-theanine. Store bought energy drinks often contain high amounts of caffeine and sugar that make you feel jittery and crash once the energy wears off. L-theanine helps the mind relax and reduce stress and anxiety providing the calm energy its known for.

The crystal form of this tea blends into the cherry juice seamlessly. Green tea contains catechins, antioxidants that help support gut health and healthy digestion. This type of green tea provides more antioxidants than traditional green tea for ample immune system support.

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Benefits And Effects Of Natural Caffeine

Not all caffeine is created equal. Several key differences exist between synthetic and natural caffeinenamely, the duration of positive effects from caffeine intake. In 2020 research, natural caffeine was found to have a longer-lasting and more consistent effect on mood and mental cognition than synthetic caffeine.4

The IOM book included a clinical trial on the effects of caffeine on cognitive performance, mood and alertness, where participants were deprived of sleep for 64.5 hours. They received either caffeine or a placebo and were given a series of tests. The caffeinated group showed improved performance as compared to the placebo group. Both synthetic and natural caffeine produce these effects on the human body, but natural caffeines effects could last longer.4

IOMs publication pointed out that caffeine works by blocking adenosine receptors, which wasnt researched until the 1980s. Caffeine stimulates the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system , which can have positive and negative effects.2 Another IOM book on caffeine and military operationsthis one examining caffeine for the sustainment of mental task performancehighlighted that the metabolism of caffeine primarily happens in the liver, instigated by hepatic microsomal enzyme systems. Additionally, in healthy humans, caffeine does not alter absorption or metabolism.

Worst: Rock Star Organic

DIY Red Bull – Making Your Own Energy Drink


Rock Star took a pass at a healthier “organic” version, but this didn’t land them anywhere near the top of the charts. The caffeine is not terribly over-the-top, but the amount of calories is steepas Graham says, 180 calories “is equal to 11 teaspoons of sugar per 444-milliliter can.” They might call themselves Rock Star, but that’s not very cool.

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Swap Your Morning Coffee For Raw Cacao

You can brew raw cacao nibs to create an energy-boosting drink.

“Raw cacao is a recent discovery of mine and now a part of my daily morning routine,” Whipple shares. “I’ve recently swapped out my black coffee for this smooth, chocolatey tasting beverage.” Cacao is a nutrient-dense food, with high amounts of minerals, copper, iron, manganese and zinc.

Cacao also contains theobromine, a compound closely related to caffeine but which provides a smoother, crash-free boost of energy. Brewed the same way you would make coffee in a French press , the cacao helps you stay alert and awake without the unavoidable caffeine crash. Whipple is partial to Crio Bru available on Amazon.

Best: Hiball Sparkling Energy Water

Hiball’s sparkling energy waters have only six ingredients: carbonated water, natural flavor, caffeine, ginseng, guarana extract, and B vitamins. Yes, there’s absolutely no sugar. And at zero calories and just one gram of carbs, keto diet followers will be able to enjoy this fizzy drink guilt-free, too. The bubbly bev is also fortified with B vitamins to help reduce fatigue and weakness.

“I think it’s a good choice if you are having an energy drink, but beware that with 160 milligrams of caffeine and herbs, there is always a chance of an adverse reaction,” says Cecere. “I do think it’s great that the caffeine is not synthetic caffeine.”

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The Best Energy Drinks For 2021 According To Dietitians

Can an energy drink really be healthy? While there’s wide speculation on energy drinks being healthy or unhealthy, there are in fact a few healthy energy drinks out there that aren’t waist-widening beverages that cause jitters and make your heart pound.

A new crop of energizing sips are sparkling waters with natural fruit flavors or tea-based beverages fueled with B vitamins and brain-boosting adaptogens, like L-theanine. They’re also canned without added sugars and zero artificial sweeteners, flavors, and colors. Some use cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices for color and extra nutrients.

Meanwhile, some O.G. energy drink brandsthink Red Bull and Monsterare playing catch-up to promote ways they’ve dialed back on their dangers to introduce more wellness-focused energy drinks. Overall, these are purported to replace their high-calorie, artificial ingredients with elements that are more mindfully natural.

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Most of the energy drinks on this list use energizing ingredients such as green tea, matcha, coffee, yerba mate, and guarana.

These ingredients are all effective for improving short-term energy levels, so it depends on your personal preferences. For example, if you dont like green tea, you can try a product that contains coffee or yerba mate instead.

Importantly, you should not rely on energy drinks for energy. If youre experiencing prolonged fatigue even though youre getting enough sleep, its important to check with a healthcare professional to rule out underlying health conditions.

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Eat Several Small Meals

Eating one large mealeven if it contains healthy choices like whole grainscan leave you feeling lethargic. It takes more energy to digest large meals, and eating many carbohydrates can lead to blood sugar spikes.

A 2021 Journal of Sleep Research study found that more frequent small meals were associated with less fatigue in night shift nurses. This adds to a 2009 Appetite article that found that having several meals improved brain speed and reasoning.

Instead of eating a large lunch, try eating several smaller meals throughout your day.

Why Most Energy Drinks Are Unhealthy

As a registered dietitian, I am all about food and drink in moderation except when it comes to energy drinks. Most energy drinks are sold as dietary supplements, not beverages, and as such they arent well regulated by the FDA . This means the information listed under the supplemental facts arent necessarily accurate.

Most are energy drinks are laden with added sugar and injected with stimulants like caffeine, guarana , and even B-vitamins . It may seem like theres nothing wrong with these ingredients, but in large amounts they can wreak havoc on your body leading to symptoms like increased heart rate, sleep disturbances, and upset stomach.

You may also find herbal supplements thrown into the mix, and many of these supplements interact with health conditions or medications you may be on. You may opt for the sugar-free energy drink, but the truth is that added sugar is what gives you an actual spurt of energy. Many also have very flashy packaging and you can pick them up pretty much anywhere even your local gas station. Social media has also popularized several less than healthy brands, especially on TikTok. So whats a person to do if they want a boost of energy?

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Heres What The Fda Says About Coffee And Energy Drinks:

In the U.S., 80 percent of adults consume caffeine every day the average adult has an intake of 200 mg per day, the amount in two 5-ounce cups of coffee or four sodas. A study of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students in Ohio found that students took in an average of 53 mg of caffeine per day, but almost one in five students took in more than 100mg of caffeine each day.

The FDA states that a 5 oz cup of coffee contains 60-150 mg of caffeine, depending on the darkness of the roast.

Small amounts of coffee are fine for most people, but the caffeine still causes increases in cortisol and adrenaline which activates the fight-or-flight response. Many people report feeling more restful and calm after eliminating caffeine from their diets, although it might take a few weeks to notice any effects. In our on-the-go society, coffee and caffeine are widely touted to keep us moving, but it can have a negative effect on our health in the long run.

Best: Bai Bubbles Sparkling Antioxidant Infusion

Homemade Energy Drink

If you combine your seltzer obsession with your love for fruit juice, you get Bai’s sparkling energy drinks. Taste-tempting flavors include black cherry, blood orange, grapefruit, blackberry lime, pineapple, watermelon lime, and coconut lime. One can serves up 45 milligrams of caffeine with just 1 gram of sugar and 5 calories. It’s so refreshing that it also makes a great mixer for low-sugar cocktails.

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First Caffeine Is Not Energy

An important thing to remember is caffeine or stimulants like guarana are not energy. Your body gets energy from calories, which come from food. Carbohydrates, like sugar, provide the quickest form of energy.

Certainly people rely on a cup of coffee for its stimulant effect, which is okay as long as it is done safely. Caffeine is a substance that is Generally Recognized as Safe by the FDA, which recommends no more than 400 milligrams per day. More could result in dangerous side effects.

If youre still determined to gain a stimulating boost and some real energy throughout the day, there are healthier choices that take your wellbeing into account. These options include a form of carbs for a true energy boost and a safe amount of caffeine for that stimulating effect that most folks are looking for.

Start Your Morning With Lemon Water And Ginger

Whipple loves to start her day by adding fresh lemon juice to hot water first thing in the morning. Your body has been in resting mode while you slept during the night, and by introducing warm water and lemon first thing in the morning, it gently jump starts your day and signals your body to naturally wake up, to feel refreshed and get your insides moving. The lemon helps to make that first glass of water taste better, and also floods your body with vitamin C, which can improve the quality of your skin it rehydrates you after a night’s sleep, aids in digestion and supports weight loss.

For an added boost of energy, try adding freshly grated ginger with lemon water. Some studies show that ginger can reduce fatigue by improving blood circulation and blood sugar levels. Plus, as a natural antibacterial agent, it can boost your immune system and help keep you healthy all year round.

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Worst: Mountain Dew Rise

Are you surprised this one landed at the bottom? Mountain Dew may be targeting morning non-coffee drinkers with this, and it may even claim to be flavored with 5% grape juice. However, all this gives rise to what Dr. Avena says is a big warning for young Mountain Dew Rise drinkers: “Although it’s relatively low in sugar, the first ingredient aside from water is sugar white grape juice concentrate and it contains multiple artificial sweeteners and colors .” Why the yellow flag on yellow 5? Avena says: “Some research shows a potential link between artificial colors, including yellow 5, and hyperactivity in children.” In fact, she explains, if a product in the European Union contains yellow 5, among other artificial colors, it must contain a warning label.

Ways To Boost Your Energy Level Without Caffeine

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Quitting coffee or just cutting back? Heres how to stay awake.

Chowhound Staff

Chowhound has been a home for food explorers since 1997, helping the food and drink-curious to become more knowledgeable enthusiasts, both at home and while traveling. Join our community of passionate experts, eaters, and home cooks and find all the resources, information, inspiration, and support you could want in the kitchen and abroad.

It often seems like we’re a nation addicted to caffeine. With a Starbucks or boutique tea shop on every corner, grabbing your caffeine boost is easy and convenient, and can often feel like a necessity. We have meetings over coffee, we work remotely at cafes and the choices can often feel endless. When it comes to coffee, there’s drip, Chemex, cold brew, latte art and so much more. Then there is tea: herbal and herbaceous, floral, matcha, with various styles of tea bags and even pretty tea flowers that “bloom” in your cup. It’s clear that we’re a society which values our high-test needs.

While caffeine has some medicinal benefits, sometimes our bodies need a reset from too much caffeine in our system. When we get in the habit of consuming too much caffeine, our systems tend to get out of whack, which can lead to feeling jittery, restless, irritable or even anxious. Many people attribute caffeine to restless nights of sleep or even hyperhidrosis .

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Smoothies And Green Juices

Smoothies and green juices are another excellent choice for natural energy boosters and drinks, and if you make them yourself, you have your own choice of healthy ingredients to put into them.

You can use nearly any fruit or vegetable to make a smoothie, and you can add things like ginger or turmeric. You can also add green tea or something healthy like live-culture yogurt or kefir to get some probiotics.

Smoothies and juices have vitamins, minerals, natural sugars, and if you add some green tea, they can also contain some caffeine. This gives them several different energy-boosting ingredients, and they can be a meal substitute if youre in a rush.


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